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Download Cucumber Dependencies

Hello Everyone, in this post will learn how to download Cucumber dependencies using Gradle.

Cucumber dependencies/JAR files are required to run a cucumber test in IntelliJ. Downloading the libraries and adding those to the project’s build path one by one is a tedious and time-consuming process. To overcome this problem, we are going to use Gradle, a powerful build management tool which helps in the automatic download and configuration of dependencies or other libraries.

Pre-requisite : 

To download Cucumber dependencies, we need to create a Gradle project in IntelliJ.

Create New Gradle Project in IntelliJ

Step 1: Launch IntelliJ by double-clicking the application

Step 2: Click Create New Project

Step 3: In the next screen,

  1. Select Gradle
  2. IntelliJ automatically adds Project SDK (JDK)
  3. JAVA (Default option)
  4. Click Next

Step 4: Enter ArtifactId and Click Next

Note: ArtifactId is basically our Project Name

Step 5: In the next screen,

Step 6: Click Finish

Step 7: New Gradle Project has been created successfully. Project Structure should exactly look similar.

Download Cucumber Dependencies

Following Cucumber dependencies are required to run a cucumber test,

Step 1: Open the build.gradle file 

Step 2: Let’s understand the build.gradle file quickly. Two important sections to note down are,

Step 3: Navigate to

Step 4: Search for ‘Cucumber’ in the search box and Click Search

Step 5: You should see the search results as below,

Step 6: Click Cucumber JVM: Junit -> Select the latest version – > Select the Gradle tab

Step 7: Copy the text and paste in the build.gradle file under the dependencies section

testCompile group: 'info.cukes', name: 'cucumber-junit', version: '1.2.5'

After you pasted the code, Gradle automatically triggers the download and add the required JAR files to the project. JAR files are found under External Libraries section.

Step 8: Repeat step 6 and 7 for Cucumber Java and Cucumber Core dependencies as well. Copy the text and paste in the build.gradle file

compile group: 'info.cukes', name: 'cucumber-java', version: '1.2.5'

compile group: 'info.cukes', name: 'cucumber-core', version: '1.2.5'

Step 9: build.gradle file and External Dependencies section should exactly look similar.

Cucumber Dependencies are downloaded successfully!

Troubleshooting tips

If dependencies are not downloaded,

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