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How to create a bugzilla account?

Hey guys, in this post will learn about how to create a Bugzilla account.

The tutorial is based on the latest stable release of Bugzilla which is 5.0 branch.

Step 1: Navigate to

Step 2: To create an account click the New Account or to login into the already existing account use login.

Step 3: Create a New account

a) Click New Account

b) Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the e-mail address

c) Agree to the Bugzilla etiquette and Click on Create Account button

c) Confirmation link has been sent to the provided email. Login to the e-mail account and activate the account creation by clicking the link.

d) The link will navigate to the page where we can enter our new password.

Once the create button is clicked, the account has been created successfully.

Step 4: Login to the existing account by clicking the login.

1) Enter the E-mail address

2) Enter the Password

3) Click Login

Step 5: Logged into Bugzilla successfully.

Bugzilla account has been created successfully:)

Learn about the whole tutorial about Bugzilla, Click Here.

In my next post, will learn about how to create a bug in Bugzilla.

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