Postman Tutorials for Beginners

Postman tutorials for beginners

Introduction to Postman – API Automation Tool

Postaman Tutorial for Beginners

Postman is one of the easiest API test automation tool. It’s widely used to test various HTTP request methods and their response codes. Seamless and User-friendly Graphical Interface makes the building of API Automation tests faster.

Key features of Postman includes

  • Improves Collaboration
  • Monitoring and Scheduling test runs
  • Easy Integration with GIT, Jenkins, Slack
  • Supports Command-line execution

Advantages of Postman

  • Quick Setup
  • Easy to automate
  • Free version available
  • Easy to automate
  • User-friendly
  • Less programming

In this tutorial, we will learn about the following topics

Postman Setup

  • Download & Install Postman

Postman Basics Coming Soon

  • Postman GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Requests
  • Response in Postman
  • Request Params in Postman
  • Pre-requisite scripts in Postman
  • Authentication in Postman
  • Assertions in Postman
  • Authentication in Postman

Postman Advanced – Coming Soon

  • Postman Collections
  • Postman Environment
  • Postman Variables
  • Postman Runner
  • Postman Monitor and Scheduling
  • Chaining Requests in Postman
  • Covert Request into CURL Command
  • Documentation in Postman

Postman Tips & Tricks – Coming Soon

  • Import Requests in Postman
  • Covert Request into CURL Command

Postman CheatSheet Coming Soon

Postman Interview Questions Coming Soon

That’s all about Postman – API Automation Tool 🙂

Suggested Readings : Cucumber Tutorial for Beginners

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