Hey guys, in this post will learn about how to download and install IntelliJ for Windows.

IntelliJ is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for Java developers. IntelliJ is available in two editions, Ultimate and Community. We will be downloading IntelliJ Community Edition because it’s free, open-source.


  • Download and Install JAVA(JDK)

Download and Install IntelliJ

Step 1: Navigate to https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/

Step 2: Click on download option Download intellij

Step 3: In the next screen

  1. Select the platform
  2. Select the edition
Download and Install IntelliJ for Windows
Download and Install IntelliJ for Windows

Step 4: Save the file in your desired locationSaveFile

Step 5: Open the downloaded file, and Click Run

Step 6: Select Next in the Welcome screen

Step 7: Choose the desired destination folder path and click Next

Step 8: Click Next 

Step 9: Click Install and wait for the application to be installed. 

Step 10: Click Finish

Step 11: Open the installed IntelliJ application, Select “Do not import settings” option and Click OK

Step 12: Accept the Terms and Conditions

Step 13. Select your preferred theme and Select ‘Skip Remaining and Set Defaults option

Step 14: Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA screen

You have downloaded and installed IntelliJ successfully!!

In the next post, will learn about how to install cucumber plugin for IntelliJ.

Suggested Readings: Top 30 Cucumber Interview Questions & Answers

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