Hey guys, in this post will learn about how to create a Project in MantisBT.

Pre-requisite : Install MantisBT

Step 1: Login to MantisBT


Step 2 : To log issues, Project should be created first. Click Manage>Manage Projects option in the top bar.

  1. Enter Project Name
  2. Enter Project Status
    • Public status can be accessed by all users
  3. Enter View Status
  4. Enter Description

Click Add Project

Create a Project in MantisBT

Step 3 : Project created successfully.


Step 4 : To edit the project, Click the Name of the project


Step 5 : In the next screen, you can the edit, update, and delete the project.


Step 6 : If you scroll a bit down the screen, you can also add project version and also can set release status to the project.

  • Enter Project Version

Click Add and Edit Version


Step 7 : In the next screen,

  1. Enter Date order
  2. Enter Description
  3. Check option for Released/Obsolete if necessary
  4. Update Version

If you want to delete the create version, Click Delete Version in the bottom left of the screen.


Step 8 : Project Version added successfully.

Note: You can also edit and delete the existing version from this page.


So, successfully project and versions are created in MantisBT 🙂

In my next post, will learn about how to create an Issue in MantisBT.

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