Hey guys, in this post will learn about how to create a Custom Field in MantisBT.

Custom fields are used to capture different information that is specific to projects and can also be used for filtering issues.

Pre-requisite : Install MantisBT

Suggested Readings : How to create a Project in MantisBT

Step 1 : Click Manage


Step 2 : Click Manage Fields


Step 3 : In the next screen,

  1. Enter Custom field Name

Click New Custom Field


Step 4 : In the next screen,

  1. Enter the type
    • Type will be like String, Numeric, Float, etc.,
  2. Configure the other field data

Click Update Custom Field

Note : You can also delete the created custom field by clicking Delete Custom Field in the bottom.


Step 5 : Custom Field created successfully


Step 6 : Click the Custom Field Name to Link the field to the project


Step 7 : Scroll down a bit and link the custom field to the project

  1. Select Project
    • Project can be multi-selected
  2. Select Sequence
    • Sequence is the display order of the custom fields

Click Link Custom Field


Step 8 : Custom field is successfully linked to project


Note : Link between the custom field and the project can be removed at any time if not necessary

Step 9 : Click Report Issue and view the created custom field


Finally, Custom field created successfully 🙂

In my next post, will learn about how to create Category in MantisBT.

Suggested Readings : JIRA Tutorials for Beginners

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